[Thank you very much thank you.
Thank you very much, that was the song from our first LP,
and we'd like to sing a song called "From Me To You".
Da da da da...
If there's anything that you want
If there's anything I can do
Just call on me and I'll send it along
With love from me to you
I've got everything that you want
Like a heart that's oh, so true
Just call on me and I'll send it along
With love from me to you
I got arms that long to hold you
And keep you by my side
I got lips that long to kiss you
And keep you satisfied, oooh
If there's anything that you want
If there's anything I can do
Just call on me and I'll send it along
With love from me to you
From me, to you
Just call on me and I'll send it along
With love from me to you
I got arms that long to hold you
And keep you by my side
I got lips that long to kiss you
And keep you satisfied, oooh
If there's anything that you want
If there's anything I can do
Just call on me and I'll send it along
With love from me to you
To you, to you, to you
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