Woke up this morning blues around my head
No need to ask the reason why
Went to the kitchen, lit a cigarette
Blew the worries to the sky
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
Don't feel right, don't do it
Don't feel right, I just can't do it
Leave a message on the phone and tell them to screw it
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
After all is said and done you can't go pleasing everyone, screw
After all is said and done you can't go pleasing everyone, screw
Woke up this morning blues around my head
No need to ask the reason why
Call up doctor just to ease my aching head
Wear a smile in the sky
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
I'm stepping out
We don't feel right, I don't do it
Don't feel right, I just can't do it
Leave a message on the phone and tell them to screw it
Oh after all is said and done you can't go pleasing everyone, screw
Oh after all is said and done, do do do do, do do do, do do ooh
I'm stepping out
[Something something.]
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