[Hmm, I think the piano maybe is better, I just realised it stops struggling. Hoo. Hello, Yoko. Yeah!]
Well, he's long, long, lost John
Long, long, lost John
Lost John standing by the railroad track
A-waiting for the freight train to come back
The freight train come back but never made no stop
Lost John thought he'd have to ride the top
Well, he's long, long, lost John
Yeah, long, long, lost John
Well lost John standing by the railroad track
A-waiting for the freight train to come back
The freight train come back but never made no stop
Lost John thought he'd have to ride the top
Well, he's long, long, long lost John
Well, he's long, long, lost John
Well lost John standing by the railroad track
A-waiting for the freight train to come back
The freight train come back but never made no stop
Lost John thought he'd have to ride the
Well, long, long, long John
Well, oh yeah
I got it about at half past three
You don't look out, she's gonna spew on me
I'm gonna run, railroad Bill
I'm gonna run
[Hello, Richard? Mo, Mo, I'm different, that's one of the problems with it.]
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