
Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins

Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins


Two Virgins was John's first solo album. The album was recorded on May 19, 1968, when Cynthia Lennon was on vancation. This avant-garde album was written and produced by John and Yoko.

"When we got back from India we [John & Yoko] were talking to each other on the phone," remembed John. "I called her over, it was the middle of the night and Cyn was away, and I thought well now's the time if I'm gonna get to know her anymore. She came to the house and I didn't know what to do. So we went upstairs to my studio and I played her all the tapes that I'd made, all this far out stuff, some comedy stuff, and some electronic music. She was suitably impressed and then she said well let's make one ourselves so we made Two Virgins. It was midnight when we started Two Virgins, and it was dawn when we finished, and then we made love at dawn. It was beautiful."

The album cover features the pair naked. This led to EMI refused to distribute it both in UK and US. Finally, it was released by Apple Records and licensed to Track Records in the UK and Tetragrammaton Records in the US. However, due to the nudity on the album cover, the album was packaged in a plain brown bag. This was also the second album release from Apple Records.

Paul provided a sleeve note to the album, which says, "When two great Saints meet, it is a humbling experience. The long battles to prove he was a Saint."

In 1997, Yoko released a remastered CD of Two Virgins via Rykodisc with a bonus track, "Remember Love", which was the b-side to "Give Peace A Chance".

  • Release Date
    November 29, 1968
  • Label / Catalog number / Format
    Apple SAPCOR 2
  • Track-listing
    [A Side]Two Virgins Section 1
    Two Virgins Section 2
    Two Virgins Section 3
    Two Virgins Section 4
    Two Virgins Section 5
    Two Virgins Section 6

    [B Side]Hushabye Hushabye
    Two Virgins Section 7
    Two Virgins Section 8
    Two Virgins Section 9
    Two Virgins Section 10

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