
Anthology 3

Anthology 3


The third and last album off the Anthology project, Anthology 3 spans from the recording of the White Album to the end of the Beatles.

Anthology 3 marks how the Beatles declined to its end. Marathon recording sessions of the White Album, ill-fated Get Back/Let It Be sessions, rooftop concert and the final sessions of Abbey Road are all presented here, proving how the band became more mature over time and showing how the musical and business differences and families may be the cause to the break-up of the Beatles. The love they take is equal to the love they make, and the Beatles is always the 20th Century's greatest band.

  • Release Date
    October 28, 1996
  • Label / Catalog number / Format
    Apple [Parlophone] CDPCSP 729 (mono and stereo)
  • Track-listing
    [Disc 1]A Beginning
    Happiness Is A Warm Gun (demo)
    Helter Skelter (part of take 2)
    Mean Mr. Mustard (demo)
    Polythene Pam (demo)
    Glass Onion (demo)
    Junk (demo)
    Honey Pie (demo)
    Don't Pass Me By (takes 3 and 5)
    Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (alternate version)
    Good Night (rehearsal and take 34)
    Cry Baby Cry (take 1)
    Blackbird (take 4)
    Sexy Sadie (take 6)
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps (demo)
    Hey Jude (live-in-the-studio outtake)
    Not Guilty (take 102)
    Mother Nature's Son (take 2)
    Glass Onion (mono mix version)
    Rocky Raccoon (take 8)
    What's The New Mary Jane (take 4)
    Step Inside Love/Los Paranoias
    I'm So Tired (takes 3, 6 and 9)
    I Will (take 1)
    Why Don't We Do It In The Road (take 4)
    Julia (take 2)

    [Disc 2]I've Got A Feeling (outtake)
    She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (rehearsal)
    Dig A Pony (outtake)
    Two Of Us (outtake)
    For You Blue (outtake)
    Teddy Boy (demo)
    Medley: Rip It Up/Shake, Rattle And Roll/Blue Suede Shoes (jam)
    The Long And Winding Road (original non-remixed version)
    Oh! Darling (rehearsal)
    All Things Must Pass (demo)
    Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues (jam)
    Get Back (live performance on the rooftop of the Apple building)
    Old Brown Shoe (demo)
    Octopus's Garden (takes 2 and 8)
    Maxwell's Silver Hammer (take 5)
    Something (demo)
    Come Together (take 1)
    Come And Get It (demo)
    Ain't She Sweet (1969 re-make version)
    Because (remixed vocals only)
    Let It Be (outtake)
    I Me Mine (pre-take 15 and take 16)
    The End (alternate version)

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