
Anthology 2

Anthology 2


The second album off the Anthology project, Anthology 2 spans from the closure of Beatlemania to the psychedelic years.

Anthology 2 again starts with the second new song, "Real Love". As second film and fifth album, Help!, was finished, the Beatles started to experiment with their music a little bit. The recording sessions of Rubber Soul and Revolver marked how the Beatles evolved popular music to a new area. Such as the Eastern influence on "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)" and the ground-breaking looping effects on "Tomorrow Never Knows". Late-1966 saw the Beatles found their new frontier, recording "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane", later the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and the film Magical Mystery Tour. These were the psychedelic years of the Beatles and the music is never the same.

  • Release Date
    March 19, 1996
  • Label / Catalog number / Format
    Apple [Capitol] C1 8 34448 1 (mono and stereo)
  • Track-listing
    [A Side]Real Love
    Yes It Is (take 2)
    I'm Down (take 1)
    You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (takes 1, 2 and 5)
    If You've Got Trouble
    That Means A Lot (take 1)
    Yesterday (take 1)
    It's Only Love (takes 2 and 3)

    [B Side]I Feel Fine (live at the Blackpool Night Out show)
    Ticket To Ride (live at the Blackpool Night Out show)
    Yesterday (live at the Blackpool Night Out show)
    Help! (live at the Blackpool Night Out show)
    Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (live concert at Shea Stadium)
    Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (take 1)
    I'm Looking Through You (first master version)
    12-Bar Original (part of take 2)

    [C Side]Tomorrow Never Knows (Mark I, take 1)
    Got To Get You Into My Life (take 5)
    And Your Bird Can Sing (take 2)
    Taxman (take 11)
    Eleanor Rigby (strings only)
    I'm Only Sleeping (rehearsal)
    I'm Only Sleeping (take 1)
    Rock And Roll Music (live concert at Nippon Budokan Hall)
    She's A Woman (live concert at Nippon Budokan Hall)

    [D Side]Strawberry Fields Forever (demo sequence)
    Strawberry Fields Forever (take 1)
    Strawberry Fields Forever (take 7 & edit piece)
    Penny Lane (alternate version)
    A Day In The Life (takes 1, 2 and take 6 overdub)
    Good Morning Good Morning (take 8)
    Only A Northern Song (takes 3 and 12)

    [E Side]Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (takes 1 and 2)
    Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (take 7)
    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (takes 6, 7 and 8)
    Within You Without You (instrumental)
    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (take 5)
    You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (extended version)

    [F Side]I Am The Walrus (take 16)
    The Fool On The Hill (demo)
    Your Mother Should Know (take 27)
    The Fool On The Hill (take 4)
    Hello, Goodbye (take 16)
    Lady Madonna (takes 3 and 4)
    Across The Universe (take 2)

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